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We welcome your questions, comments and feedback. 

Headquarters​, Mumbai India

For questions about our courses, please contact our managers.


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Many Major Companies Trust Us

Some of the companies who have worked with us .

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered some frequently asked questions for our clients.

– Programs: our flagship programs are long interventions spread over weeks designed for a permanent shift from within. Target Audience: mid to senior level managers

– Courses: Short high impact interventions of 90 minutes designed to create awareness and leave participants with easy to implement tips in their day to day work-life. Target Audience: All personnel

 – click on the start course tab…

 – 90 mins with includes questions from the audience and a short immersive experiential exercise

 – Click on program tab; Choose the program that you want to enquire for  and get in touch with us.

 – Decode the Core online: 7.5 hrs * 3 sessions + 1 follow up session(1 hr) after 21 days per module * 4 modules
– Decode the Core (physical) : 2-day + 1 online follow up session(1 hr) after 21 days per module * 4 modules
– Transformative Listening (online): 6 hrs ( 2hrs * 3 sessions) + 1 follow up session(1 hr) after 21 days
– Transformative Listening (physical): 2-day + 1 follow up session(1 hr) after 21 days

Mid – senior level managers

We work on the deepest aspect of the being – the Core Consciousness – resulting in permanent shifts from within. Using the power of the Core Consciousness, one can experience stability of emotions, calmness and clarity of mind, fit and able body to do the work they set for themselves. IATL adopts an inside-out approach, focusing on inner development and fortification of the individual for outer success at work and in life.

The development of Core Consciousness leads to Continuous Evolution of the individual and the team. The impact is:

  1. Higher Resilience – prepared for challenges
  2. Flexibility / Adaptability – open to change with higher capacity to adapt
  3. Connectedness – enhanced ability to collaborate and build
  4. Enhanced Wellbeing – sense of fulfilment and engagement within the team

 – long term interventions designed for sustained impact / permanent shift from within

 – each session culminates in an immersive experiential activity to help internalise the learning process

– 21-day activities following every program to make them a part of your day to day work-life

– A deepening session at the end of the 21 days to underpin learning (while application of learning)